Enhanced Pain Management by Beth Darnall, PhD
Bull Publishing

Enhanced Pain Management CD or MP3

Pain is one expression of stress in the body. One way to counter pain is to encourage a relaxation response in the body. The relaxation response decreases heart rate, respiratory rate, muscular tension, emotional distress, and pain — all without pills.

During this 20-minute guided meditation, you will move through diaphragmatic breathing and progressive relaxation designed specifically for people with chronic pain by Dr. Darnall. Layered behind her voice are subtle binaural sounds designed to enhance the brain’s relaxation response. It appears to reduce markers of stress and pain, as well as the need for analgesia.

When practiced regularly, this recording will optimize the mind-body connection and encourage a greater connection with our bodies, even for people who do not have chronic pain. When we are armed with a greater connection to our bodies, we also tend to make better choices and deliver better self-care.

For best results, listen to the CD at least once daily (twice is optimal). The CD may also be useful at bedtime to help fall asleep more quickly or to help alleviate anxiety.

Read Shelley’s patient story:

“I met with Beth for one hour when I went to Stanford for an evaluation. Even the little bit she told me about her methods in that hour, such as using cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, and mindfulness principles, helped me be more comfortable on the flight home that afternoon. I felt as though I had something to do for myself and not only take medications. That was a very good feeling,” says Shelley Latin, a lawyer from Oregon who suffered from debilitating pain for six years before being treated at the Stanford Pain Management Center, Stanford Health Care.

This CD is recommended for patients.